Events & Gatherings

Summer Qamp, Jen Markowitz
At Camp fYrefly in rural Alberta, queer, non-binary, and trans teens get to just be kids in a supportive space, surrounded by counsellors who can relate to their experience ― and help them toast the perfect marshmallow.
Summer Qamp
Directed by Jen Markowitz
2023, Canada, 80 minutes, PG
Event/Exhibition meta autogenerated block.
June 22, 2024 at 1:00PM
SaskTel Theatre
Join us for Discovery Cinema, a Saturday afternoon matinee series for families. This June, we’re screening a series of films in honour of both Indigenous History Month and Pride Month. These films reflect on themes of identity, culture, decolonization, human rights, intersectionality, and healing from a wide range of Indigenous and 2SLGBTQ filmmakers.
This film was selected by our film programming team from the 2023 Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF).
Film tickets are $10 at the front desk; free admission for members and youth under 18. Seating is first come, first serve.
Talks, tours and other events are admission by donation or free with membership.